13-Year-Old Student Arrested on Charges of Creating Fake Pornographic Photos of Classmates using AI Technology
Case Background
Few months ago, two students with 13- and 14-years old middle school boys from Miami, Florida of USA, were arrested by the Police Department on charges of creating nude photos of their classmates using AI DeepFake technology. According to information released by the police, the supspects were accused of using an unnamed AI application to generate nude images of other students aged 12- to 13-years old.
In accordance with a law passed in Florida in 2022, these suspects charged with a third-degree felony for transmitting pornographic images of “DEEPFAKE” without the victim’s consent. Media reports suggest that this case may be the first criminal case in the United States involving AI-generated nude images.
Meanwhile, on March 13, the European Parliament officially voted and approved the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), aiming to strictly regulate the use of AI. It is expected to come into effect in early 2025 and be implemented in 2026, with some provisions taking effect earlier. The Act will regulate high-impact, general-purpose AI models, and high-risk AI systems, which must comply with specific transparency obligations and EU copyright law.
AISecurius Defense Cloud Business Security Intelligence Center released the “Research on “Deepfake” Threats and Security Strategies”, which specifically mentioned that by imposing legal consequences on individuals who create or distribute deepfakes, the spread of harmful content can be prevented, and those responsible for their actions can be held accountable. Criminalizing deepfake fraud can have a deterrent effect and prevent the abuse of this technology for fraud or other malicious purposes. It is an effective way to mitigate the harmful effects of deepfake technology, and those who intentionally create or facilitate the spread of harmful deepfakes must be subject to criminal penalties.
AISecurius | Fraud Detection | Apps Defender | AI DeepFake