Kerry Properties
Kerry Properties is a world-class properties development company with significant investments in key cities in Asia Pacific (APAC), including mainland China and Hong Kong. In both markets, Kerry Properties focuses on investing in premium quality property developments – both residential and commercial – in prime locations.
Kerry Properties used a variety of legacy backup methods, ranging from tape, to on-premises solutions, it making backups inconsistent. Not only was it operationally challenging to manage multiple backup tools, but there was no centralized visibility into whether the data was backed up properly. This left the company vulnerable to accidental data loss and ransomware. Additionally, the company’s user data was only backed up to a local Windows server. To align with its digital transformation goals, the company needed a cloud-based unified backup strategy
Druva protects Microsoft 365 data (Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive, and Teams) and End points for Kerry Properties’ 800 users. Using Druva will also save Kerry Properties up to US$3 million in physical infrastructure costs within the next five years. Max Yip, head of infrastructure, security and operations at Kerry Properties, said “Druva will help us avoid spending huge sums on on-premises backup infrastructure,” “Not to mention the administrative costs of maintaining several different backup systems across the company.”